Sunday, January 1, 2017

Welcome 2017!!!!!

Wow----can you believe it-----it is 2017! I don't know about everyone else, but for me-2016 went by very fast. What a heck of a year. I am not going to say it was bad----I had many wonderful things happen for me, but it was not what I had envisioned it to be. I spent my New Years Eve with family and friends. It was wonderful. I did a great deal of thinking of past celebrations. I took stock in what I had accomplished in 2016. I said many prayers of gratitude for all of the blessings that I had. I am grateful. My family and I were blessed with many wonderful gifts this past year. The Black Hat Quilter was blessed in so many ways. I am so thrilled for all of the upgrades I was able to do. It is not to say that there were not any sad moments--because life is life and there were some. BUT---and I mean a big BUT- I am not going to focus on those moments. I am not ready to decide on any New Years resolutions yet. I do know that I want to truly welcome 2017 in with open arms and hope in my heart and spirit for not only myself but to all of my family, friends, and customers.

 Is it possible to have a one day resolution???? I hope so---because I am going to state this " one day resolution"! For today----I will only concentrate on good vibrational thoughts and actions. I want to start a ball rolling down the proverbial hill for me. I hope this ball gathers speed and weight through out the year. If you think good things--you will become a magnet and draw good things towards you.

I have people to visit with today and a wonderful dinner to make before I send people back on the road to their homes. Not sure if I will be able to sew at all today. It has been many days since I was able to get to my machines and create joy. The holidays have been all too consuming. I am sure many people can relate to that.

So---- for today. Let us all just be: be happy, content, joyful, hopeful---and together!
My family---the most important people to me. Without them---I simply would just not be. The Black Hat Quilter would not be.  I love my family. I love my customers. Happy New Year to everyone!

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